Mecc alte DER2 Voltage Regulator. Digital model that combines AVR function with Alternator Protections and Diagnostics. New & Boxed - Genuine and made in Italy. Ex stock - shipped Worldwide. We are aware that there are poorly made illegal / counterfeit Chinese models available on the market. Please note our products are Genuine, have full warranty and have been sourced directly from the Mecc alte factory. We can offer pricing in GBP, USD & EURO - please contact us for a full quotation with DHL shipping cost. Sales: Tel: +44 (0)115 923 2568 (United Kingdom) Tel: (24-hour) +44 (0)7484709956 (United Kingdom) SP POWERWORLD LTD - WILLOWS - WATERSIDE - RYHALL - STAMFORD - LINCS - PE9 4EY - UNITED KINGDOM